Sunday, May 6, 2018

May 6 Part 1 - Serpentine Fen

I visited three locations on this Sunday:

  1. Serpentine Fen in Surrey
  2. Lighthouse Marine Park in Point Roberts
  3. Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Delta
This first post details the birds (and butterfly) seen at Serpentine Fen.

This was one of the first birding hotspots I visited regularly when I took up birding in the early 90's. It was close to the old Surrey City Hall where I worked and I was able to visit on my lunch hours.

I have to admit that on this visit the place seemed quite unfamiliar. It was not a real productive visit, but I did take some photos there. The fist was of the ubiquitous Tree Swallow.

Tree Swallow - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC

There were a few Savannah Sparrows around and I got a couple of acceptable shots of them.

Savannah Sparrow - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC

 - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC

The only ducks I saw were Mallards. I took this interesting sequence as a male leapt into flight. He seemed agitated about something.

Mallard - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC

Mallard - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC

As well as birds, I enjoy taking photos of butterflies whenever I see them. They are much harder to identify than birds, I think this is a Western Spring Azure. The inside wings were a powder blue colour.

Western Spring Azure Butterfly - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC 

Finally, here's an adult Golden-crowned Sparrow in breeding plumage.

Golden-crowned Sparrow - Serpentine Fen, Surrey BC 

That wraps up part one of the day, parts 2 and 3 are in subsequent posts.

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